A rainbow flag is a corrupted rainbow, which a rainbow is made of light passing through water and water passing through light simultaneously. Not of cloth.
The pride flag was originally 8 colors, then 6, but never 7. Indigo is not on the pride flag. Indigo is corrupted from the Greek word indikon. Which has nothing to do with Greece, because it means “blue dye from India”.
My brand is KomiKon which is corrupted from Comic-Con and Comecon, as well as English and Cyrillic alphabet. And the colors of KomiKon is 7 colors of the rainbow.
The brand name is cosplaying as the rainbow, while also covering the corruption of what the brand stands for.
To understand this, is understanding corruption through facts can be believed to be Truth. Which is a reflection of the Promise that remains despite corruption of the world. For the corrupted of the world.
Though the rainbow shall break faith with the sky, the Promise still remains.